Sunday, June 12, 2011

Father's Day

You know, for almost every major holiday we at the European-Bistro like to do a little something special. This year for Father's Day we are offering a five-course special menu available only on that day, to show our appreciation to all the good dads out there.

We will not be offering the regular menu on this day, only the prix-fixe menu so that the kitchen can handle the amount of orders we expect to be coming in. There will be a kids menu and vegetarian option available, as well as some very rare dishes seen in central Texas. For any dad it will truly be an occasion to remember.

You can find our menu on our website at
But act fast if you want to make a reservation, we will take it all down the day after!

Happy Father's Day

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Podcast About the Bistro

We were covered in a podcast by based here in Austin. Listen to an interview with owner Anna Zovek about the services we provide and challenges of keeping the European-Bistro up and running.

To listen click the link below:

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Come to the European-Bistro for Lunch

We have our delicious daily lunch specials for only $6.99
Lunch is served Thursday through Sunday 11am to 4pm
The European-Bistro is open Thursday through Sunday
Thursday 11am – 9pm
Friday and Saturday 11am – 10pm
Sunday 11am – 8pm

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

European Bistro in Pflugerville Texas Brings New Life to Old World

Anni learned to cook ethnic foods in their mother’s Hungarian restaurant in Pozsony,
now a part of Slovakia, and she is now demonstrating her skill to the residents of Austin.

The Hungarian combination dinner is Anni’s specialty. She first tempts your appetite with a (Chicken) Hen soup with a dumpling and vegetables. Following this comes a cucumber salad with either a tart-sweet dressing or sour cream. This attractive platter gives you an Old World sampling of traditional Central European foods superbly cooked.

Chicken paprika with nokedli (tiny dumplings made by shaving the batter from a board into boiling water) or gulyas (goulash) or stuffed cabbage rolls with home made sausage, bacon – and freshly made sauerkraut, all in colorful sauces-make this dinner a favorite with those who enjoy spicy and flavorful meals. Specially smoked meats are procured from Europe and from Cleveland, Ohio, where the Hungarian population is the largest in the USA.

In Piroska’s Pastry section of the restaurant you will find trays of French, Hungarian, Czech, and Viennese pastries. For those who prefer strudel, there is Piroska’s crisp apple strudel which she bakes while you dine. They buy special flour that is used for the tempting apple strudel. With either the strudel or the dobos tarta Anni recommends Tokaji Aszu, a delightful sweet wine. She says that one bottle costs as much as one week’s wage in Hungary.

Anni personally selected each of the wines that she serves in her restaurant while she was in Hungary last winter. If you would appreciate her suggestions as to which wines most complement the dinners, please feel free to ask her.